University of Kentucky

Meeting Details

The 90, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Wednesday afternoons upstairs in The 90 in room 211 from 5pm until 6 or 6:30 depending on how many questions we have.


Additional Staff

Clint FieldAssistant Director

From the Director

Welcome to Ratio Christi at the University of Kentucky. We are a student group focusing in the intellectual side of Christianity. We meet on campus each week to talk about the scientific, historical, and philosophical evidence for the truth of Christianity. We meet on Wednesday afternoons at 5pm and will often go until 6 or 6:30 depending on the week and how many questions we have. We typically have a speaker give a discussion on a topic and then there is often time for questions afterward. If you are interested in knowing what our topic for the week is, simply follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter @RatioChristiUKY. You can also join our GroupMe or join our Remind text list to get a text reminder each week.

You can also find a number of our meetings where we have had special guest speakers here on our YouTube channel.

We exist to help those with doubts and questions about their faith to find solid answers. We exist to help answer objections posed by professors or fellow students. We also are here to discuss some of the difficult social challenges that face Christians. If you or anyone you know has had any of these questions, Ratio Christi is the place for you:

  • Why does God allow evil and suffering?
  • Is the Bible historically reliable?
  • How do we know the Bible hasn’t been corrupted over the centuries?
  • Are there any good reasons for believing God exists?
  • If God knows what we are going to do in the future, how do we have freedom to choose what we want to do?
  • Can God create a rock so big that He can’t lift it?
  • Is Christianity good? What good has it down for the world?
  • Why do Christians often oppose abortion?
  • How should a Christian talk with a friend ho has same-sex attractions?
  • Why is the church full of hypocrites?
  • Did Jesus really claim to be God?
  • Is there any evidence that Jesus rose from the dead?
  • Doesn’t science disprove miracles?
  • What should we say if we get into a conversation with the Mormon missionaries?
  • What is New Age and how has it affected the church?
  • Doesn’t Christianity promote racism and sexism?

We look at these questions and many more, and we try to give the best evidence we can, with some of the world’s leading experts in these questions.

We are looking forward to connecting with you soon.